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  • Milt created a new event

    Red Boat dinner meet

    Haven't put together a dinner meet in a while, looking forward to seeing some old faces.  Main table space is limited to 12 but there's a few 4-person tables if we go over that.  Red Boat is Viet fusion, so there's pho, banh mi, hot dogs/tacos, kimchi fries (bring at least $20 unless you're getti...

    Haven't put together a dinner meet in a while, looking forward to seeing some old faces.  Main table space is limited to 12 but there's a few 4-person tables if we go over that.  Red Boat is Viet fusion, so there's pho, banh mi, hot dogs/tacos, kimchi fries (bring at least $20 unless you're getting something small, definitely tip your server).  Do not bring fursuits, tails and ears are probably fine but your own fault if you get food on them.

    If anyone wants to go to Crabtowne (local arcade/seafood restaurant) afterward, I'm not opposed to it.

    If you have any questions, @MiltoniusPrime on Telegram, I'm not in local chats so message me directly.

    16th Feb, 2020 5:00PM
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