Maryland Furs


Kuairu Moof Marlowe

Rules and Regulations: 


This is a 16+ chat first and foremost no lewds. all images must be safe to view at school or in public. Nothing showing an insane amount of skin is allowed. Once you have read the rules you can message @furries_of_maryland_bot  / join and you'll be asked the passcode. Once you join the main chat you can leave the lobby


  1. Please keep discussion civil.  No hate speech/slurs or instigating. Discussion of politics and any religion is banned in the chatroom. Any discussion risks a warning from the admin.


  1. In this chat no one is certified to provide any medical or any legal advice nor are we Therapists. Please refrain from posting any life drama in this chat or petty disputes you have with someone else. No bewares unless you run it by the admin team. If you're having a medical issue please consult your primary care physician or go to an urgent care.


  1. Room content is PG-13 - pictures must be kept PG. If you wouldn't show it to a random minor in a grocery store don't send it here. Don't discuss anything illegal or post anything unsuitable for viewing by minors. Admins have the discretion of what is and what isn't appropriate for the chat. No baby fur images.


  1. The chat is not a dating service or for excessive RP. If anyone on here is harassing you in PMs, please let an admin know. Screencaps are helpful. Furthermore if we tell you to leave someone alone we expect you to leave them alone in every and all ways. That includes replying and tagging.


  1. No image/text flooding or excessive linking to external sites or tic tok spamming. Bot will attempt to translate voice messages to text, please keep them short. No gore or violent gifs/pics


  1. Do not advertise without prior admin approval. Limited exceptions are for

planned events and showcasing art. Admins have discretion in whether or not to

allow a proposed advertisement.


  1. Don't necro drama/arguments. If the chat has moved on/calmed down, leave it that way.

  1. Trolling of any kind is not allowed. Shitposting is allowed, but it is not allowed for use of breaking up a serious discussion. Yes that means no Pepe.


  1. Don’t behave inappropriately with minors under the age of 18. No flirting see rule 4.


  1. Keep it legal - Don’t text and drive, don’t threaten others or yourself (suicide), don’t post about illicit substances (or underage use of licit substances), don’t post adult content where it doesn’t belong, don’t post pirated content.

Suicide Hotline: 1 800-273-8255

Text line: text HOME to 741741


  1. There shall be no discrimination in the group on the basis of race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, religion, age or ability. Please show respect towards others.


Violation of policies may result in a warn or ban, at admin discretion. 


Three warns = auto kick and placed on blacklist. If you feel a warn and/or ban is unwarranted, please politely contact an admin to explain and appeal the decision.


If you have a problem please PM an admin instead of bringing it up in the group.


The admins are volunteers and will try to respond to problems in a timely manner, but may be



Please be patient and screencap the chat if necessary 

Come hang out with us at our regular meets and events! We love meeting new furs and people who are interested in the fandom. Check out the Events section for more information.