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  • Sylox . created a new event

    Inner Harbor Furwalk

    Maryland Furs is back to present our first fursuit outing of the year, the Inner Harbor Furwalk.

    Taking place on February 29, 2020 at 1:30 PM, we'll be walking alont the waterfront in downtown Baltimore  in fursuit. Come and enjoy the sights and sounds as we put a smile on the face of Baltimore!...

    Maryland Furs is back to present our first fursuit outing of the year, the Inner Harbor Furwalk.

    Taking place on February 29, 2020 at 1:30 PM, we'll be walking alont the waterfront in downtown Baltimore  in fursuit. Come and enjoy the sights and sounds as we put a smile on the face of Baltimore!

    We will start (and end) our journey at the Impark parking garage (402 Key Hwy, Baltimore, MD 21230) and snake are way along the Harbor stopping at various points before ending at the Aquarium and doubling back. Afterwards lunch will be at a nearby restaurant.

    Fursuits are encouraged as are handlers and those wishing to take photos. Please bring money to park and for food. If there are any questions don't hesitate to poke an admin. 

    DATE: February 29, 2020

    TIME: 1:30 PM

    LOCATION: Baltimore, MD

    PARKING: Impark parking garage (402 Key Hwy, Baltimore, MD 21230)

    29th Feb, 2020 1:30PM
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